10th International Geant4 Tutorial in Korea 2023

Jeju National University, Jeju, Korea

Jeju National University, Jeju, Korea

Jeju National University, Jeju, Korea
Eunju Jeon (IBS), Garam Hahn (PAL), Jong-Kwan Woo (Jeju National University), Kihyeon Cho (KISTI), Se Byeong Lee (NCC), Yeon-soo Yeom (Yonsei University)

The Geant4 developer team (Makoto Asai, etc.) will visit Korea on November 6-10 for a tutorial focused on Geant4 for beginners and intermediate. During this tutorial, we intend to have bidirectional information exchange between Geant4 team and Korean users. Therefore, we also hold a Geant4 user workshop on Monday afternoon. This tutorial is supported by KISTI, National Cancer Center, Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, IBS/CUP, Yonsei University and Jeju National University. The venue for the tutorial is Seminar Room of College of Natural Science 1 builling at Jeju National University, Jeju.


Speakers list:

  • Makoto Asai (Jefferson Lab, USA)
  • Dennis Wright (SLAC, USA)
  • Lorenzo Pezzotti (CERN, Switzerland)



  • National Cancer Center
  • Pohang Accelerator Laboratory
  • IBS/CUP (Center for Underground Physics)
  • Yonsei University
  • Jeju National University